Vegan Vanilla Pound Cake

baking dessert wfpb Mar 03, 2022

This pound cake is very dear to my heart as it reminds me in two ways. It was the first cake I ever baked at the age of 14. I was so proud that everything went well. That was the beginning of my culinary career. Obviously, then, it was a regular pound cake made with eggs and butter. 

I remember my dad wanted me to become a mechanic, and he tried so hard to convince me that cooking and baking is not for men.  I guess I proved him wrong. 

The second reason a pound cake makes me smile is that it's my wife's favorite cake. 

So obviously this pound cake is made only with whole food plant-based ingredients with the exception of the maple syrup. And even though it's not a food for your daily consumption, it's nice for the occasional treat.




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