I believe you shouldn’t have your settle for JoJo effects and medical intervention

Learn what foods your body needs to live the life you want. 

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Did you know that 99% of people who lost weight gain it all back in their lifetime!

Learn what foods help you feel good and let you lose weight without restrictions.

Start For Free

The Veggie Hub

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You Are Ready To Take Your Life Back on Track?

Our Veggie Hub Community will help in your journey to a whole food plant-based and gluten-free lifestyle.  You’ll learn how to:

  • Cook and eat the right foods
  • Choose the foods that are most nutritious. 
  • Learn to control your emotional eating patterns
  • Lose weight without calorie restrictions 

With a simple shift in your mindset and some smart lifestyle practices, you could start living the life of your dreams.


You Can Live Life to the fullest. 

Learn the combination of whole food plant based ingredients and never look back.

  • Weight Management: Low in calories and high in fiber, aiding in weight loss and maintenance.
  • Improved Digestion: High fiber content supports healthy digestion and prevents constipation.
  • Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases: Decreases the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and hypertension.
  • Enhanced Energy Levels: Provides steady energy throughout the day with nutrient-dense foods.
  • Improved Mental Clarity: Many report clearer thinking and better concentration.
  • Cost-Effective: Plant-based foods are often more affordable than animal products and processed foods.

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

Experience a transformation in your health, energy, and overall well-being by adopting a whole food plant-based lifestyle

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What's Included In The Veggie Hub...

Weekly Group Coaching

Receive personalized guidance and support from Chef Frank and guest speakers to keep you on track with your plant-based lifestyle and learn to: 

  • Overcome emotional eating patterns 
  • Be accountable
  • Finding your Why
  • Making Sense from what you learn

You’ll feel supported and energetic after each session.

The Secret To a Healthy Lifestyle 

With so many misleading information out there, you’ll be refreshed to learn:

  • The Three Pillars of Transformation
  • How easy it is to chose the right foods 
  • That calorie restriction hurts you
  • Which foods can heal you

You’ll know when and what to eat to improve your energy and to lose weight for good.

 Endless Resources 

The secret to living a healthy lifestyle is no secret at all. Our library is shock full of resources to help you on your journey to health and wellbeing. 

  • Monthly Workshops 
  • Guest Speakers 
  • Monthly Meet & Greats
  • Wellness Blueprint

Gain access to our exclusive Wellness Blueprint, valued at $1,999, which provides a comprehensive roadmap to achieving optimal health and well-being.


Chef Frank Meals at a glance

Four Seasons Meal Planner

We have more meal plans than you'll ever need:

  • 52+ Week Meal Plans
  • Mobile App: Take The Veggie Hub with you wherever you go
  • Hundreds of Recipes: Explore a vast collection of delicious, oil-free, gluten-free and plant-based recipes

Start a WFPB Journey and finish it without a JoJo effect.

In The Next 6-12 Months, You Could…

  • Finally lose those stubborn pounds
  • Feeling healthier and happier than ever before 
  • Doing things you couldn't do yesterday 
  • Fit into your favorite jeans again 

I wouldn't tell you all these things if I hadn't seen them happening with my own clients. The choice is yours.

In 12 months, you wished you had made this choice to join our community…

This Community Is For You If...

  • You have been dieting without true success.
  • You aren’t sure if you eat the right foods.
  • You don’t know what to cook.
  • You are looking for inspiring recipes and meal plans.
  • You are looking for an accountability partner.
  • You dream of living healtier.
  • You want to live by example for your children.
  • You are looking for a chef/coach who truly cares for your success.

I'm Chef Frank

I’m a passionate vegan chef with a deep commitment to whole food plant-based (WFPB) and gluten-free cooking.

With over 30 years of professional experience in the culinary world, I’m sure I can be of help to your concerns.

 My journey in plant-based nutrition is backed by a degree in Food Technology and Service Management, along with a WFPB certification from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies at Cornell.

Over the past decade, I’ve dedicated myself to the WFPB lifestyle, sharing my expertise with others through my challenges.

I’m proud to say that over 3,500 participants have joined me on this journey, collectively shedding more than 25,000 pounds.

My mission is to continue inspiring and empowering people to embrace a healthier, more sustainable way of eating, one delicious meal at a time.

"I'm having an incredible experience learning from Chef Frank about healthy eating and delicious food! I am forever grateful to him for all of the tools and skills he has taught! Thank you, Chef Frank, from the bottom of my heart!"

- Brooke

"My husband and I became WFPB back in April and started learning everything we could. But I was skeptical and thought it fanatical to give up cooking with oil. Chef Frank changed all that! He has taught me SO much!!! Since April, I have lost 33 pounds and my husband has lost 45 pounds. My cholesterol is within normal range for the first time in over 20 Years!
Thank you Chef Frank!!!"

- Melanie

"OMG, pictures say so much....This Challenge has been truly One-of-a- Kind! 1st, it's the only Weight-Loss or Healthy way of eating Challenge I've ever Completed!!!!

As I look back at the other programs, what was missing was a Honest, Open and Caring Instructor. Someone that Truly wants you to succeed and has Real Bonafide Cooking Credentials and who is willing to share.

The person I'm describing is Chef Frank T Kraemer. His patients in explaining and teaching us "How to Eat Like a
Vegan Chef" is Gold! With his program | Personally learned, When to eat from a schedule he provides. What Not to eat for weight-loss success."

- Vikki
14-DAY Free Trial

If you aren’t completely satisfied with Chef Frank's Veggie Hub or the Premium Meal Planner, simply cancel. No questions asked.

Premium Meal Planner


Annually with 14-Day Free Trial

This Offer does not include our
Veggie Hub Community!


âś” All 52+ Meal Plans
âś” Shopping Lists Included
âś” WFPB & Gluten-Free 400+ Recipes
âś” Private Facebook Community


Chef Frank's Veggie Hub


Regulary $47/month

21-Day Free Trial

✔All VIP Challenges
✔12-week program
✔Weekly Group Coaching
✔ Plant-Based Wellness Blueprint 
✔Weekly meal plans, and shopping lists
✔ Recipe Index with hundreds of recipes 

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